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Liver and organ meats are the most nutritious foods on the planet. For thousands of years our ancestors made organ meats, and enjoyed perfect health as a result.
So is it possible to eat liver everyday?
Ounce for ounce, organ meats are among the most nutrient-dense foods you can eat, and properly prepared (as Ashleigh teaches us to do in It Takes Guts), they can also be among the most delicious.
Ashleigh Van Houten is a health and nutrition journalist for Paleo Magazine, speaker, health coach, and self-proclaimed health and fitness nerd. She hosts the Muscle Maven Radio podcast (and has worked with other top-rated health-related podcasts like Shrugged Collective, Muscle Intelligence, and Paleo Magazine Radio), and is the author of It Takes Guts: A Meat-Eater’s Guide to Eating Offal with Over 75 Healthy and Delicious Nose-to-Tail Recipes.
Ashleigh’s take on using the paleo diet as a template for a personal, sustainable approach to nutrition without succumbing to the hype of its stricter, more extreme tenets. What Ashleigh tells people (particularly the “women laughing alone with salad” crowd) who mistakenly believe they have to eschew “heavy” meat in order to fulfill their weight loss goals.
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