Myofunctional Therapist Near Me? – Renata Nehme – MBC#53


Myofunctional Therapy & The Airway Focussed Dental Team - MBC#53 - Renata Nehme


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If you’ve ever found yourself wondering, “Is there a myofunctional therapist near me?” you’re in the right place. Myofunctional therapy, a technique aimed at enhancing tongue posture and nasal breathing, can significantly improve oral and sleep health. Symptoms such as mouth breathing, snoring, and chronic sinus congestion could point to the need for a myofunctional therapist.

Renowned myofunctional therapist, Renata Nehme RDH, BSDH, COM, featured as our guest expert today, brings a wealth of 10 years of experience as a Registered Dental Hygienist. With specialized training in Myofunctional Therapy, Nehme has extended her expertise across borders, touching lives in over 20 countries via her successful online practice. Her passion for early childhood development and better orofacial development through breastfeeding is at the forefront of her therapy mission.

In our in-depth discussion, Nehme provides insight into her therapeutic goals, which include specific treatments like adult tongue-tie releases and palatal expansions. These methods have been proven to alleviate airway restrictions and improve overall health. Nehme’s personal experiences in helping patients strengthen their tongue, transition to nasal breathing, and achieve better sleep quality have produced life-changing results. Her comprehensive approach also ensures clients can connect to a vast network of professionals to continue their wellness journey.

Helping to bridge the gap between those seeking therapy and qualified professionals, Nehme has established the Airway Circle. This directory compiles a solid list of myofunctional therapists and dentists with a focus on airway health. This vital resource guide aids in finding the appropriate care for those on the path to a healthier lifestyle.

Discovering the right myofunctional therapist near your location is now just a click away. If you are seeking a professional to help improve your tongue strength, nasal breathing, or overall sleep quality, please visit Airway Circle. Don’t miss the opportunity to potentially transform your health.

Want to schedule a myofunctional therapy appointment with Renata Nehme? Jumpstart your journey to improved health, visit Myo Moves to book your appointment today.

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