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Parents are beginning to understand that mouth breathing, snoring, and teeth grinding during sleep could pose serious harm to their health. Sleep is a foundation of growth and development and the airway is what keeps that foundation functioning to support the brain.
There is a growing body of evidence suggesting that behavioral issues in children often underlie sleep breathing problems.
Snoring and mouth breathing can have many causes or associated issues.
If your child snores or has other sleep issues, then finding the right professional to help is imperative.
Today, to help parents consider these difficult situations is Dr. David McIntosh. Dr McIntosh is a paediatric ENT specialist, and author with particular interest in airway obstruction, facial and dental development and its relationship to ENT airway problems and middle ear disease.
His two books Snored to Death, and Don’t Ignore the Snore outline the mounting evidence that childhood airway issues need to be managed with utmost priority in our healthcare system.
At Helix Dentistry we work very closely with Dr. McIntosh due to the intimate link between jaw development and a child that can breathe through the nose.
You can find Dr. McIntosh’s clinics here: https://entspecialists.com.au/
His book Snored to Death: https://www.amazon.com.au/Snored-Death-dying-your-sleep/dp/B08H57YYV8/ref=sr_1_5?qid=1707038984&refinements=p_27%3ADavid+McIntosh&s=books&sr=1-5
Don’t Ignore the Snore: https://www.amazon.com.au/dont-ignore-snore-scientists-explain/dp/B08NRXFW9J/ref=sr_1_7?qid=1707038984&refinements=p_27%3ADavid+McIntosh&s=books&sr=1-7