Meet the pioneers that show you the practical ways that dental health can improve your life.

#1 Amazon Best Seller

Get Healthier
Teeth Today

The Dental Diet is the first and best guide to helping us understand the mechanisms of oral disesses such as tooth decay, gum disease, and crooked teeth and their effect on our overall health.

What is functional

Proven clinical techniques that draw on individualized medicine to apply dental treatments that improve oral, physical, and mental health.
A focus on root-causes and ancestral principles to prevent and reverse chronic disease instead of relying on band-aid approaches.
Leveraging diet and lifestyle changes to align how the body moves and operates as a system for better function and vitality.

The moment that changed my dental practice forever

Your mouth reveals cardinal signs of your entire health. As a dentist I discovered that we’ve been making BIG mistakes in our approach to healthy teeth.

Food, NOT drills and needles, were the key to a better smile.


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